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Wellness delivered to your doorstep

Massages, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy, with our certified therapists, in the comfort of your home.

The N.1 service in Italy for Wellness treatements delivered to your home

Massages, osteopathy and physiotherapy at home. With ShapeMe your desired treatment is just a few clicks away. Receive high-quality service from the best therapists in the field – 7 days a week, from 8 am to 11 pm, all year round.
All therapists are individually selected by our team to ensure they have the right qualifications, insurance and expertise.

massaggiatori certificati

Certified therapists

Certified massage therapists, osteopaths and physiotherapists, selected one by one by our team

Pick the time and place

At home, in the office, at the hotel: the therapist will come to you at the desired place and time – available every-day from 8am to 11pm.

9.5/10 satisfied customers

Over 3000 people satisfied with our services signed ShapeMe. The number is growing day by day!

Wellness Treatments

Massages, Osteopathy and Home Physiotherapy: with ShapeMe it’s the well-being that comes to you, allowing you to save time and energy.
Thanks to a careful and scrupulous selection of our collaborators you are sure that your request will be accepted by certified therapists with previous experience, and that the treatment you are going to receive will be a high quality service. Our employees are available 7 days a week, from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm.
Click on the service to get more information and book online.

Personal Trainer

You spend too many hours in the office or in the car, and you can’t devote yourself to exercise? Would you like to have a more active lifestyle to ward off sedentary disorders or to keep fit?
With ShapeMe you can choose the training service that best combines your time with your goals and regain your physical balance thanks to dedicated personal trainers, online courses or distance training sessions (functional, circuit, yoga and pilates).
Click on the service to learn more, or contact us and we will give you all the information.


Have you ever tried “miracle” diets that didn’t work? Would you like to have a more balanced diet? Would you like to start a journey with a nutritionist, but do not know how to organize your time?
Eating habits play a fundamental role for the health of the person: whatever your nutritional problem or the goal you intend to achieve, you can count on the professionalism of our dietitians and nutritionists who will guide you towards a healthier diet with personalized nutritional programs or online training services.
You can choose between one-on-one consultations, online courses, or webinars on specific topics.


Enter the world of Mindfulness and learn techniques to manage all emotions and turn off “autopilot”.
In both the private and work environments, applying Mindfulness helps you maintain attention and manage priorities, improving your approach with all aspects of your life, including relationships with others.
You can choose between distance consultants routes or live or on-demand distance training sessions completed by hands-on exercises.


It happens to everyone to live moments of stress, fear or despair: when negative emotions continue and interfere with daily serenity it is good to overcome mistrust and turn to a specialist.
For our online psychology services we collaborate qualified and experienced professionals, able to put the person at ease and give the right support to face any situation with a constructive approach.
You can choose between online counselling or distance learning.

Sleep disorders

Do you suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders that compromise the quality of your rest? When you get to bed do you have difficulty falling asleep due to negative thoughts or worries? Would you like to face and solve your insomnia problem once and for all, but don’t know which specialist to turn to?
It’s time to change: thanks to the online course and remote counseling service with a sleep management specialist you can understand the causes of the disorder and learn techniques and strategies to promote sleep and rebalance the circadian rhythm.

Quitting smoking

Make sure the next cigarette is really the last!
With the online course on “How to quit smoking” you can have an overview of the psychological mechanisms that regulate tobacco addiction and learn the techniques to overcome it, managing any relapses without resuming the vice.
The course was carried out in collaboration with two psychologists and is completed by practical exercises.

Work-life balance

How to balance your private and work life and live happily: Learn how to prioritize and determine your goals to help you organize more in every aspect of your life.
To improve your work-life balance you have an online course or training webinars: whatever your preference we can guarantee that you will not have a collection of approximate notions as often happens online.
Instead, you will have specialist courses made by professional psychologists, with the aim of guiding workers towards a balancing condition.

Attention and learning

Enhance your learning and attention skills and improve work performance with an online course full of theoretical notions and exercises to increase memory capacity and not fall into the trap of multitasking.

Financial well-being

With the online course on financial well-being you have the way to learn the secrets to manage your savings and plan your investments, knowledge that will allow you to realize your life projects in total serenity.
The course is carried out in collaboration with a financial advisor with decades of experience in the field.

What can I do with ShapeMe?

ShapeMe is an online platform dedicated to those who want to take care of theirbody and mind in a safe, professional and practical way.
With ShapeMe you can:
Book massages, physiotherapy or osteopathy online and receive professional treatment at home with a certified therapist;
Start a specialized specialized distance consultation course with personal trainers, nutritionists or psychologists;
Take courses and lessons on physical, mental and financial well-being or participate in live training or lessons
How does it work

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Read about the experiences of those who have already tried ShapeMe

Do you want to have more information on how to take advantage of home wellness services?

How it works

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