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Total Wellness

9 online courses

Take care of your well-being at 360 ° and find out how to feel good from a psycho-physical and financial point of view.

The 9 online courses

Physical Wellness Courses

  • Nutrition

  • Physical Activity

  • Posturology

  • Stop Smoking

Courses on Mental Wellbeing

  • Mindfulness

  • Sleep Management

  • Attention and Learning

  • Work-Life Balance

Course on Financial Wellbeing

Benessere Finanziario

The path

Thanks to this package you can have 4 online courses in a single solution.

Once you have purchased the mini-academy, you will have access to a dedicated platform accessible from PCs, tablets and smartphones, where you can view the contents where and when you want.

Each training course addresses a fundamental aspect of mental well-being through a theoretical introduction and a part with practical exercises to be carried out comfortably at home or, in some cases, even in the office.

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The team

consulente del sonno

Michele Boreggiani

Clinical psychologist expert in sleep disorders

Matteo Boschini


Tommaso Bricoli

Certified Personal Trainer

Roberto D’Addario

Financial Coach

Mattia Onesti


Ludovica Peccenini


Chiara Ripa

Cognitive psychologist

Cecilia Trevisani

Clinical Psychologist

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Is there a way to take care of body and mind together?

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