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Online Personal Trainer

Take care of your body and remove sedentary disorders with an Online Personal Trainer to train at home!

Why choose an online personal trainer?

Would you like to lose weight, keep fit or abandon a lifestyle that is too sedentary, but don’t have enough time? Or while you can carve out time you notice you lack motivation? Or don’t you want to attend crowded gyms and wait your turn to perform the exercises?

The solution to all your problems is here and is enclosed in just 3 words: online personal trainer!

Thanks to the online consulting service you can have a dedicated certified personal trainer, who will analyze your physical condition and define with you the results to be achieved, preparing a personalized training program to take care of your body and mind. “But how does a personal trainer follow me at a distance?”

The system we have studied allows the professional to show you the exercises to be carried out on video-call, examining your execution in video mode to correct any incorrect steps or simply evaluate their progress.

How does counselling work?

prenotazione massaggio decontratturante online

Purchase online

Plan your customized program

A personal trainer will contact you to make the first appointment and prepare a personalized training plan

Migliora la qualità della tua vita

Our personal trainers are available 7 days a week, so there is no excuse: it’s time to correct bad habits!

Your personal trainer

Train whenever and wherever you want: with consulting packages with personal trainers you can directly agree with professionals on the best time for online sessions, and train independently following the released program.

You can count on certified personal trainers who follow you along the way, providing you with a personalized and detailed training program, created from your goals.

Online consulting sessions take place on video-call, during the journey the professional will also give you support via Whatsapp or email.

Choose your package with the personal trainer

How does the journey unfold with the online personal trainer?

The first session of all packages lasts 60 minutes and is dedicated to history, with analysis of your physical condition and definition of the objectives to be achieved.

The next meetings will be to update and evaluate the progress of the route, with any adjustments based on the responses of your body.

The duration is about 30 minutes.

You can choose from 3,5 or 10 sessions online with the personal trainer, which vary depending on the overall duration or presence or not of the online course.

At the end of each journey you will have achieved different goals:

  • The STANDARD package (3 sessions) takes place over a period of 2 months and allows you to acquire the basics to correct your bad habits;
  • The PRO package (3 sessions) has the same characteristics as the STANDARD, with the addition of a video course of choice between nutrition and physical activity, to strengthen the concepts learned during consulting or learn the basic principles of nutrition;
  • The PREMIUM package (5 sessions) has a time duration of 6 months and allows you to give continuity to the path, evaluating the achievement of the objectives session after session;
  • The PLATINUM package (10 sessions) takes place over a 12-month period and is the ideal solution for those who want to achieve well-defined goals and maintain results over time.

The online courses

Some packages include an online course of your choice between:Nutrition: made in collaboration with a dietitian and deals with the theme of 360° human nutrition

Physical Activity: Tackle the relationship between movement and human health with the addition of demonstrations of exercises to be carried out comfortably at home

Both courses are available digitally on a dedicated platform, usable from a PC, tablet or smartphone.


Discover our packages

The Personal Trainers

Tommaso Bricoli

Certified Personal Trainer, specializing in musculatation, posture and stretching. Graduated in Motor Sciences at the University of Parma, he is Associate Founder of MT Personal Training Studio, a company specialized in the creation of personalized fitness programs, post-physiotherapy recovery and athletic preparation

Matteo Gigantino

Personal Trainer certified, graduated in Motor Sciences at the University of Bologna. Masseur and Lifeguard Head of hydrotherapy establishments. Football coach youth sector and expert in dietetics and nutrition.

Choose your path with the Online Personal Trainer

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