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consulenza nutrizionale online

Nutritional Advice Online

The same professionalism as the studio, but where and when you want

Why contact a dietitian  or nutritionist, when the web is full of free information about diets and nutrition?

The answer can be much simpler than you think: to get real results!

Each person is a world in his own right, with his own habits and goals, also with regard to nutrition: thanks to online nutritional advice it is possible to start a path with the support of a dedicated specialist, and obtain a personalized food program created starting from the state of health of the person and the result that is intended to be achieved.

The online formula allows you to better organize the time available, choosing time and place for the appointment, and relying solely on the professionalism and competence of specialists (and not on fanatical miraculous solutions).

In other words: with online nutrition counselling you will have an individual plan to change your bad habits and learn to eat healthy without sacrificing taste.

How does counselling work?

prenotazione massaggio decontratturante online

Purchase online

Choose the tailor-made package and receive and fill out the questionnaire that arrives to you by email

Get your customized plan

A nutritionist will contact you to make the first appointment and prepare a personalized program

Improve the quality of your life

Nutritionists are available 7 days a week, so there’s no excuse: it’s time to correct bad habits!

Your bespoke food plan

Thanks to the remote consulting packages you choose when and where the meeting with the professional takes place.

You can count on nutritionists and dietitians who guide you along the way, creating a personalized and detailed food program, to help you achieve real results in a healthy way and at the right times.

The path with the Online Nutritionist is available in 3 packages that differ in number of sessions and overall duration of the route: you can choose between solutions of 3, 5 or 10 sessions online, all with an online course on nutrition included.

consulenza nutrizionale online
The first session of all packages lasts 60 minutes and is dedicated to history, with analysis of your physical condition and eating habits and definition of the objectives to be achieved. The next meetings will be to update and evaluate the progress of the route, with any adjustments based on the responses of your body. The duration is about 30 minutes.
At the end of each journey you will have achieved different goals:
  • the STANDARD package (3 sessions) takes place over a period of about 2 months and allows you to acquire the basics to correct your bad habits;
  • the PRO package (5 sessions) lasts about 6 months and allows you to give continuity to the path, evaluating the achievement of the objectives session after session;
  • the PREMIUM package (10 sessions) takes place over a period of about 12 months and is the ideal solution for those who want to achieve well-defined goals and maintain results over time.

The nutrition online course

The packages include an online course on Nutrition, carried out in collaboration with Dr. Matteo Boschini, which addresses the theme of 360° human nutrition, ideal for fixing concepts or reviewing what was learned in online counselling sessions.

The course is available on a dedicated platform, usable from pc, tablet or smartphone.

The consultants:

By choosing a ShapeMe nutritional path you are sure to be followed by certified professionals with experience in the field of nutrition.

Benedetta Silvani

Dietitian, graduated in Dietitian at the University of Bologna and enrolled in the Order of TSRM and technical health professions, rehabilitation and prevention. After a Master’s degree in Nutraceuticals, Phytotherapeutics and Dietary Supplements, she is currently enrolled in the Master in Nutrition and Obesity Therapy and Prevention.

Davide Sebastianelli

Graduated in dietitian at the University of Bologna, he started his career as a tutor of the degree course in Dietitians of the University of Bologna and as a referent of the European food education project “Fruits and Vegetables in Schools” for the Emilia-Romagna Region at the CREA-OFA center in Forlì. He currently works in the freelance profession, enrolled in the register of dietitians of Pesaro Urbino.

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Choose your remote nutrition advice package

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