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Professional massages where and when you want

ShapeMe’s in-home massages offer you the quality you would find in a professional studio, but you choose the place and time to receive the treatment.

You won’t have to worry about arriving on time or driving through traffic – the therapist will reach you.

You won’t have to jump through hoops to get an appointment in the week after work: you can book every day with a minimum of 4 hours in advance (even during the weekend), from 8:00 to 23:00.

You will not have to arrange spaces or prepare anything else: the professionist brings everything you need to perform a professional massage, including oils and a bed.

Furthermore, by booking with ShapeMe you can be sure of receiving treatment from a certified therapist: we have carefully and individually selected all our collaborators, letting only those who meet specific certification requirements and previous experience enter our network.

The result is a high quality service, with 9.5 out of 10 satisfied customers!

How does ShapeMe work?

prenotazione massaggio decontratturante online

Book online in minutes

Choose the treatment you prefer and book on the site in a few clicks, with a minimum of 4 hours notice
massaggiatori certificati

Certified therapists

You can count on certified and individually selected therapists, available 7 days a week, from 8am to 11pm
massaggi professionali a domicilio e in studio

Receive the treatment at home

A certified therapist will meet you at the indicated place, taking everything you need with him, including the cot.
Find out how it works

Which massage to choose?

Decontracting Massage

The decontracting massage is a treatment that aims to dissolve muscle contractures that can arise due to a sedentary lifestyle, or as a result of incorrect efforts and movements.

Lymphatic Massage


Relaxing Massage

The relaxing massage (also known as relaxation or anti-stress massage) is an aesthetic treatment carried out through maneuvers on the back, legs, shoulders and neck, which reduces the level of stress, thus indirectly improving the person’s overall health.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage, also known as classic massage, is a type of massage of Western origin, which promotes relaxation, tones muscles, reduces stress or anxiety and facilitates the elimination of excess fluids, bringing a sense of general well-being to the body.

Shiatsu Treatment

Shiatsu is a type of treatment of Japanese origin, which acts through traction, stretching and pressure on the back, abdomen, neck, head, arms and legs. The maneuvers follow the person’s energy paths, with the aim of releasing them. Shiatsu treatments do not involve the need to remove clothes, nor the use of oils or essences.

When we think of massages, we instinctively recall images or sensations connected to a condition of relaxation and well-being.

And indeed it is: one of the most immediate benefits of massage therapy treatments is to promote muscle relaxation, relieving tension and pain.

But the benefits that a massage can bring to the body are really many and can vary depending on the type of treatment selected: they stimulate blood circulation, reduce stress, strengthen the immune system and dissolve muscle contractures.

In other words: they help improve the person’s general health.

How does massage help you feel good?

It reduces stress

It improves blood circulation and oxygenation and lowers blood pressure.

Improve the quality of rest

Promotes relaxation, stimulating the endocrine system and improving sleep.

Relieves contractures

Restores muscle tone and promotes the elimination of toxins.

Do you have a headache?

Headache is a sensation of strong pressure on the temples that affects the programs and purposes of the day, as well as the speed of action and decision.

Massages are one of the natural remedies for headaches, especially when the causes of pain are due to muscle tension or swelling or constriction of blood vessels.

Thanks to the relaxing and decontracting properties, massages have the power to relieve pain, improving the person’s ability to concentrate and attention.

Do you have back pain?

80% of Italians have suffered from it at least once in their life: we are talking about back pain, an inflammation of the lumbar area that causes pain in the back of the body and that can negatively interfere with work, daily activities or with moments of leisure.

It is an ever-increasing disorder because it is very often caused by lifestyle reasons such as a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture and overweight.

A back massage is an excellent traditional and natural remedy that has the main purpose of relaxing every muscle that affects the cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral area.

Do you have high blood pressure?

High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when blood pressure values ​​are consistently above 90-140. If blood pressure is continuously elevated, there is an increased risk of stroke or heart attack.

Hypertension often goes unnoticed because it does not give obvious signs or symptoms, so the only way is to measure it and keep it monitored.

Numerous studies show that regularly undergoing massage therapy is a great remedy because it can help lower high blood pressure, especially for people suffering from stress.

Are you stressed out?

Stress is a condition of psychophysical discomfort, in which the body is subjected to internal or external factors that alter its balance and reduce its ability to reflect and act.

If this condition occurs too often or lasts too long, it can have particularly negative effects: the most common are headaches, stomach pain, sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression.

Massage is an excellent solution to fight stress, because it relieves muscular and mental tension. Massages cause thoughts and emotions to relax with the result that we become less impulsive, more focused and energetic throughout the day.

For those experiencing a stressful condition it is advisable to have a massage in the evening so as to relax and be able to fall asleep and sleep better.

Do you have cellulite?

Cellulite is a disorder that affects 80% of women and represents a real nightmare to fight.

It is the number one cause of the odious orange peel and skin blemishes and contrary to popular belief it is not an accumulation of fat but the consequence of inflammation affecting the blood vessels.

Massages are a cure-all for preventing or eliminating cellulite, especially lymphatic drainage treatments.

Do you have a neck pain?

Neck pain and sore shoulders are very common ailments that usually arise as a result of exertion or excessive muscle tension.

If the pain is not persistent and disabling, the neck pain could be due to just a stress tension that builds up right there or the result of poor posture held for a long time.

In these cases, massage is considered an excellent remedy capable of relieving neck and shoulder tension, but only if practiced by the expert hands of a masseur or osteopath.

Book your treatment

With ShapeMe you can book online and receive professional treatment at home (or wherever you want).

A certified massage therapist will join you bringing everything you need, including the cot!

Our professionals are active 7 days a week, from 8:00 to 23:00.

massaggi a domicilio

Read what people think of ShapeMe

Save money with packages!

With ShapeMe you save time and money .
The massages are at home so you don’t have to reach the professional. Plus you save costs and stress for transportation. All you have to do is book your moment of well-being in just a few clicks and wait for our operator to arrive!

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Ci trovi in queste città

  • Bologna
  • Milano
  • Torino
  • Roma
  • Monza e Brianza
  • Varese
  • Brescia
  • Verona
  • Bergamo
  • Parma
  • Firenze
  • Reggio Emilia
  • Modena
  • Padova
  • Cuneo
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