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Financial Well-Being at the Workplace

Learn how to manage your finances to ward off stress

Finance management: a cause of stress for many

72% of adults report suffering from financial stress; 46% say they spend more than 3 working hours a week distracted by their work problems.

Not being able to manage one’s finances, therefore, can cause stress that inevitably affects work performance.

Offering their employees courses in education or financial psychology is useful to ensure that they acquire techniques to manage their savings and plan investments, as well as giving them notions to have a more strategic vision also from the company point of view.

massaggiatori certificati

Certified Therapists

Financial advisors and psychologists with experience in the private and corporate field

Customized solutions

Individual consultations, live webinars and on-demand courses, to be combined to offer a complete path

HR support

Online calendar and reporting for companies, to keep under control the level of well-being of employees

Financial well-being services for companies

Financial education

Video course, webinars and workshops focused on investments and expense management

Financial psychology

Online course, webinars and workshops on how to manage your relationship with money and ward off stress

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