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Counseling Online

A team of psychophysical wellness specialists at your service, to guide you towards a better version of you

Find you inner balance

In some situations relying on the support of a specialist is the most effective way to change lifestyle habits or to improve the relationship with yourself, your body or others. Too often, however, there is a tendency to postpone hiding behind pretexts such as the lessness of time or the belief that there is no real need for a specialist. The online individual counselling service is structured to help people overcome surpass the main obstacles, shortening distances and making professionals as available 7 days a week, with the possibility of combining days and times for counselling according to their needs. Any remote counseling you can take your own life and start an individual and personalized journey with consultants specialized in psychology, mindfulness, sleep management, personal training and nutrition,

Optimize your time

Agree with professionals on the best time for online sitting, according to your needs.
massaggi professionali a domicilio e in studio

Personalized path

Achieve your goals with a customized program.

Specialized therapists

With ShapeMe consulting services you are sure to start a journey with certified specialists.

Choose your counselling service

Do you want to get back in shape, improve your relationship with food, overcome a difficult time or fight insomnia? Any issues you need to address or the habit to change, just select the type of advice, choose the route tailored to your needs, and one of our collaborators will contact you to set up the first online session.

Those who have already chosen ShapeMe:

Do you want to have more informations about our consulting services? 

Find out how it works
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